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  1. Faster recovery and resumption of activities of daily life.

  2. Minimal tissue damage, hence less pain.

  3. Shorter hospital stay.

  4. Minimal post-operative infections.

  5. Smaller tiny incisions requiring single stitches and hence less scarring.

  6. Minimal incidence of wound infections.

  7. Quicker and accurate diagnosis.


This procedure helps secure vital information for the diagnosis of a wide range of disorders.

  1. Laparoscopic Hysterectomy

  2. Ovarian Cyst Removal

  3. Laparoscopic Management of Ectopic pregnancies

  4. Laparoscopic Myomectomy

  5. Polycystic Ovarian Drilling

  6. Sterilization(Tubal Ligation)

  7. Tubal Patency

  8. Endometriosis

  9. Laparoscopic Reversal of Tubal Ligation


This includes examination of the cavity of the uterus(womb) with a tiny telescope connected to a camera. There are a wide range of conditions where this procedure is employed, with the common ones being infertility and abnormal uterine bleeding.

  1. Diagnostic Hysteroscopy

  2. TCRE

  3. Cornual Cannulation

  4. Endometrial Polyp

  5. Asherman’s Syndrome

  6. Congenital Anomalies-Septate, Bicornate

  7. Submucous Fibroid

  8. Metroplasty